Are 25 LB Dumbbells Good?

Woman lifting a dumbbell with one arm while holding the other pair on her side

Depending on what you are looking to achieve, that is, build muscle, lose weight, or even become a better athlete, you will need a dumbbell that agrees with your body. In this guide, we answer the question ‘Are 25 LB dumbbells good?’ in order to help you decide whether they are right for your workout …

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Are Dumbbell Rows Effective?

Close up of man performing dumbbell exercises

The dumbbell row is a great exercise to work the upper and lower back, your shoulders, biceps, and hips. It especially helps with improving your back posture and developing back muscles. With many alternative exercises to build back muscles, you might find yourself wondering: are dumbbell rows effective? Are Dumbbell Rows Effective? Yes, in terms …

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How to Gain Muscle Using Dumbbells

Man lifting a dumbbell with one arm while holding the other pair on his side

Many people often think that because dumbbells are small they don’t reliably build muscles. Nothing further than the truth. Once you learn how to gain muscle using dumbbells, they can help you change your entire body beyond the classic bicep curls. How to Gain Muscle Using Dumbbells  In order to effectively gain muscle using dumbbells, …

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How to Lift Dumbbells Properly

Woman lifting a dumbbell on her chest level, while holding the other pair on her side

When you’re talking about lifting weights, dumbbells are one of the first things that come to mind. However, dumbbells are not a matter of simply picking them up and start lifting. Learning how to lift dumbbells properly is crucial to really get in shape and work on your muscles without increasing the risk of injuries. …

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How to Train Biceps With Dumbbells

Woman lifting a dumbbell with one arm while holding the other pair on her side

If you want to showcase the results of your training and hard work, what better way to show it by flexing your biceps. Learning how to train biceps with dumbbells can help you target one of the most functional muscles in your body effectively. The best part? You can easily use them from the comfort …

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Best Kettlebell iPhone App [2021 Review]

Man browsing through his iPhone for his kettlebell app

Kettlebells are a great piece of workout equipment that gives you a lot of benefits. They are especially great for building muscles and developing strength if you don’t have dumbbells or barbells at home.  However, if you are clueless about what to do with your dumbbells, there are plenty of apps on your smartphone that …

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Best Dumbbell Set to Buy [2021 Review]

Various dumbbell set best to buy for weight training

Dumbbells are some of the most effective weights you can use at home and at the gym. They have become increasingly more popular as more people train exclusively from home. On that note, if you are looking for the best dumbbell set to buy then this article will help you decide what’s the right option …

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What Are the Benefits of Kettlebell Swings?

Man lifting a kettlebell with both hands

The kettlebell is a piece of versatile workout equipment that you can use in a wide variety of exercises. One of them is the kettlebell swing, a simple workout that you can do in the comfort of your home. Yet, what are the benefits of kettlebell swings?  What Are the Benefits of Kettlebell Swings? Kettlebell …

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Bowflex Dumbbells: An Overview

Bowflex dumbbells about to be put to work

Bowflex dumbbells work through a series of grooved weight plates and a dial at each end of the dumbbell. By turning the dial and the bracket, you will only grab the weight plates that are equal to the selected weight. When you pull the handle out of the dumbbell block, the plates that you don’t …

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How to do Pull Ups with Dumbbells

Man trying to lift dumbbells with each hands

Learning how to do pull-ups with dumbbells is a difficult and rather confusing experience. The premise behind the routine is to add more weight to your regular pull-up by adding dumbbells to your weight. Consider incorporating dumbbells to your pull-ups only after you’ve mastered the basic movements. How To Do Pull-ups With Dumbbells Before you …

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