How to do Pull Ups with Dumbbells

Man trying to lift dumbbells with each hands

Learning how to do pull-ups with dumbbells is a difficult and rather confusing experience. The premise behind the routine is to add more weight to your regular pull-up by adding dumbbells to your weight. Consider incorporating dumbbells to your pull-ups only after you’ve mastered the basic movements. How To Do Pull-ups With Dumbbells Before you …

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Do Dumbbells Stop Height Growth?

Man holding a dumbbell with each hands

Dumbbells are useful exercise equipment that you can incorporate into almost any workout routine. However, some people have grown to believe that exercising with dumbbells will stop young people from growing, especially if they are still in puberty. It’s time to tackle that question: do dumbbells stop height growth? Do Dumbbells Stop Height Growth? No. …

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Glute Ham Developer vs Roman Chair

A glute ham developer and roman chair are two of the most useful gym tools. While these two have some similar benefits, there are still distinct differences between them. To make sure you’ll be able to use both the proper way, you must compare and contrast a glute ham developer vs roman chair.  Glute Ham …

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Does an Ab Roller Help You Lose Weight?

Woman wearing a ring and watch while using an ab roller

Maybe you’ve seen a person, who has the figure and weight you’re aiming for, use an ab roller. This may entice you to try the equipment as well, and think it’s the key to your weight loss dreams. Before you change your workout routine, you must ask yourself: does an ab roller help you lose …

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How to Properly Use an Ab Roller

An ab roller placed on the floor

At first glance, an ab roller may look like an uncomplicated exercise tool. You’d even think handling one is a piece of cake… until you fall flat on your face due to improper form and use. However, don’t get discouraged. While learning how to properly use an ab roller can become effortless in time, you’ll …

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How To Do a Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells

Man lifting a dumbbell with one arm while holding the other pair on his side

The dumbbell Romanian deadlift, also known as the dumbbell RDL, is a strength training exercise containing a series of motions that target the lower back, core glutes, and hamstrings. Once you know how to do a Romanian deadlift with dumbbells properly, you can improve your balance, boost flexibility, and fortify your muscles.  How To Do …

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What is the Roman Chair Exercise?

Man using a roman chair for his back muscle exercise

A Roman chair is a piece of back extension equipment with pads that move your upper body. If you want to strengthen the lower back, reduce abdominal fat, and fortify the core, there are several roman chair exercises you can incorporate in your workout routines. What Is the Roman Chair Exercise? A roman chair exercise …

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What Is A Roman Chair Used For?

Woman wearing a mask doing exercises outdoors while using a Roman Chair

The use of a roman chair differs from person to person, which is why you may see some people lifting their torso upwards, facing down, or bending at a certain angle. Whether you need to strengthen a particular body part or tone your muscles, it’s good to know what is a roman chair used for …

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Does An Ab Roller Reduce Belly Fat?

Woman using an ab roller trying to reduce her belly fat

An ab roller is a simple workout tool that helps strengthen the abs, chest, shoulders, and back. If your goal is to reduce belly fat and not to build abs, an ab wheel can help you achieve your desired body figure. Does An Ab Roller Reduce Belly Fat?  Yes, an ab roller can cut belly …

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How to Do an Abs Roller Exercise

Person using an ab roller

Now, ab workout routines are more versatile than ever, incorporating tools like medicine balls, dumbbells, and kettlebells. If you’re looking for a new way to level up your ab training, then knowing how to do abs roller exercises can turn your workouts around. However, like any other exercise equipment, technique and form are key if …

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