How to Clean Rusty Dumbbells

A rusty dumbbell on the ground

When you start buying weights, sometimes you have to settle for rusty dumbbells to score a great deal. If you’re in a budget, don’t let the rust deter you from buying affordable dumbbells. You just need to learn how to clean rusty dumbbells, something that’s easy to do and totally worth it. How to Clean …

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Best Dumbbell Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Man sitting down on the floor while holding dumbbells with each hand

There’s a common misconception that the only way we can lose belly fat is by spending countless hours doing cardio. It turns out that strength training might be a better burning fat method because it burns fat while and after you work out. When it comes to strength training, the best dumbbell exercise to lose …

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What Body Part Does Kettlebell Swings Work?

Man holding a kettlebell with both hands

The kettlebell swing is a great exercise because it burns fat like few workouts can without any impact on your body. At the same time, it can build muscle, improve your cardiovascular strength and endurance. We’ve found the best way to help start doing kettlebell swings is to walk you through common question such as: …

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How to Get Stronger With Dumbbells

Man lying down on his back while holding a pair of dumbbells

For many fitness enthusiasts, the primary goal of weight training is building muscle and getting stronger. Thanks to the vast information available, learning how to get stronger with dumbbells is easier than ever, and manageable with the proper planning. The good thing about using dumbbells is that they are an excellent way to work out, …

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How Many Dumbbell Sets Should I Do?

Woman sitting down on the floor while holding dumbbells with each hand

Over the years, dumbbells have become the favorite go-to equipment for almost every fitness enthusiast across the world. This is for a good reason. They are not only affordable but also portable and can be used to strengthen different parts of the body. However, like any other weight, you need to have a particular limit …

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How do Adjustable Dumbbells Work?

Man showing how do adjustable dumbbells work by lifting it with his hands

Dumbbells are one of the most versatile workout equipment you can own. However, storing a whole arsenal of dumbbells that differ only in weight is very inconvenient and expensive. No wonder adjustable dumbbells became a breakthrough that helps many fitness enthusiasts to accomplish their fitness goals. But how do adjustable dumbbells work? How do Adjustable …

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How Many Calories Do Kettlebell Swings Burn?

Silhouette of a person standing in their garage holding a kettlebell with one hand

The fitness world has experienced tremendous changes. From better workout equipment, intense routines, and a suitable workout environment, fitness enthusiasts started attaining the results of their hard work. One of the workout equipment that saw a diverse change is kettlebells. Yet, how many calories do kettlebell swings burn? A tremendous change in kettlebells led to …

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Are Ab Rollers Effective?

Ab roller placed on the floor

Ab rollers have become a popular exercise tool for fitness enthusiasts across the world. It may look like a simple wheel held together with a rod at the center; however, using it requires lots of effort. Yet, many people still question ask themselves: are ab rollers effective? It’s time to answer that question. Are Ab …

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What Are Dumbbells Made Of?

Man sitting down while holding a dumbbell sideways

Dumbbells have slowly become popular fitness equipment for fitness enthusiasts across the world. The reason for its popularity lies in its versatility and affordability. Like any other body weights, dumbbells come in different shapes and sizes. What makes them different from other weights is the variety of materials used to make them. What are Dumbbells …

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What Kettlebell Weight Should a Woman Use?

Woman trying to lift a kettlebell from the floor with both her hands

​Kettlebell training is a great workout choice for people of all ages and fitness levels. However, the amount of weight you should use is highly variable depending on a myriad of factors. Because women tend to have less muscle mass than men, they have different requirements for their kettlebell weight range. That doesn’t mean that …

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